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TimeZone Display Content Filter

This script allows you to display selected items or ads only for america customers

Script get Timezone from clients browser and checks it against america timezones
Your TimeZone is: , US TimeZones is 4-9


<script> var now=new Date();var tz=now.getTimezoneOffset()/60; if(tz>3 && tz<10) document.write('THIS DATA WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FROM AMERICA'); </script>


Same but with iframe generation: ( real life example )

<script> var now=new Date();var tz=now.getTimezoneOffset()/60; if(tz>3 && tz<10) document.write('<iframe frameborder=0 width=265 height=86 src=http://test.pushline.com/export.php/ct?idcountry=161></iframe>'); </script>


ps. please note, that all javascript exports can provide America content filtering by default.
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